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Dosage Abbreviations vs Expansions in Dragon Medical One


While it is typical for most medical practitioners to desire the expanded forms of dosages such as “twice-daily” for bid (BID), some physicians still prefer the abbreviation.

Unfortunately, with Dragon Medical One, regardless of how many times or how many ways the abbreviation is trained, Dragon continues to transcribe the expanded form. This is very frustrating for those who want the abbreviation.

Thankfully, after some experimentation, Speakeasy Solutions has arrived at a solution for our clients.

For Clients of Speakeasy Solutions

Exclusively for those who subscribe to Nuance’s Dragon Medical One through Speakeasy Solutions, we provide the following resolution to the dosage conundrum in video and text with screen captures.

The video is 6 minutes in length with chapters separated for ease of navigation.

Not yet Subscribing to Dragon Medical One?

Try Before You Buy

Speakeasy Solutions provides a Test Drive/demo of the full Dragon Medical One application. It is important for you to feel comfortable using DMO with your workflow and choice of EMR and other applications.

If you choose to have Speakeasy Solutions perform the installation (usually no more than 15 minutes), we provide an overview and assistance with integrating Dragon Medical One into your environment immediately after installation (30 minutes of time recommended).

Alternatively, we provide video and PDF instructions, and are available should you require any assistance with installation and/or training in the use of Dragon Medical One.

Book a FREE Test Drive

At your convenience, please contact us by telephone (604-264-9109 or 1-888-964-9109) or book your appointment on-line.

  1. Webpage: Speakeasy Solutions Appointment Scheduling
  2. Category: Choose “Dragon Medical”
  3. Service: Choose “Test Drive / Demo”
  4. Time: Choose your time zone, followed by a date and available time
  5. Provide Information: Enter your name, email, phone, plus other relevant information
  6. Click: “Done”

Interested but No Schedule in Front of You

If you wish to reserve a Test Drive with Speakeasy Solutions for Dragon Medical One, and you are not sure of your availability at this time, fill out the following form and we will contact you.

Who will install the DMO Test Drive on your Windows computer?

We look forward to working with you.

Fix for Dosage Abbreviations Video and Text with Screen Captures Below

The Video


The key is to add a new vocabulary entry with TWO unique spoken forms. Following that, train the dosage abbreviation. You might need to train the abbreviation a 2nd time, but it is unlikely.

Assistance from Speakeasy Solutions

Please note that Speakeasy Solutions is happy to add these abbreviations into your user profile. If that is of interest to you, please provide any dosage abbreviations in addition to: bid, od, qid, and tid.

You will still need to train them yourself from the vocabulary manager. Email: [email protected]


If you wish to add these entries into your vocabulary yourself, please follow these instructions below.

1. Open the vocabulary manager (“manage vocabulary”).

2. Click on the +.

3. Enter the abbreviation in the Enter the word you want to add: field.

4. Click Enter the word is you would pronounce it.

5. In the Pronunciation (spoken form): field enter a spoken form/pronunciation of the abbreviation that is anything but the capitalized form of the abbreviation. These do not need to be existing words, although use them if possible.

6. Click Save.

7. Repeat the above 4 steps (steps 3 through 6) with a different spoken form.

8. Click Back.

9. Locate and click the abbreviation.

10. Click Train.

11. Click the red microphone icon and say the abbreviation the way you normally would.

12. Click Confirm.

As always, if you encounter any issues, do not hesitate to reach out to us! Have a great day.