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All about Repetitive Strain Injury Podcast with Deborah Quilter Working with RSI

Working with RSI

This Livestream feature two people who are still working decades after being diagnosed with Repetitive Strain Injury, Alexandria Carstens (myself) and Howard Egerman.

I am honoured to have been chosen to be part of this discussion. It is my fondest hope that this podcast will help others who have concerns regarding repetitive strain injury.


00:00 What you need to know about Repetitive Strain Injury
00:46 The risk factors for Repetitive Strain Injury
02:38 The warning signs of Repetitive Strain Injury
04:41 The stages of Repetitive Strain Injury
06:55 Alexandria talks about how she got injured at work
09:49 Repetitive Strain Injury can lead to feeling useless, financial crises and more. Doctors didn’t believe her and she got inappropriate treatment
11:18 It took Alexandria couple of years before she finally started her own business so she could work again
11:48 Howard’s been working with Repetitive Strain Injury for years.
12:54 Howard got injured and was misdiagnosed and had to contest his workers compensation claim
14:32 Howard uses Deborah Quilter’s concept of The Hand Bank to help him cope with RSI Repetitive Strain Injury
17:00 Howard takes public transit because he can’t drive anymore. He doesn’t let that stop him from going to work.
17:30 Howard recommends reading Deborah Quilter’s books on Repetitive Strain Injury
18:25 The emotional aspects of Repetitive Strain Injury can be hard
19:09 The importance of maintaining good posture to prevent and maintain recovery with Repetitive Strain Injury
20:13 Symptoms of Repetitive Strain Injury come and go – in the beginning. And then the symptoms stopped going away
22:04 Alexandria recommends drinking a lot of water so that you have to take frequent breaks from the computer and taking your lunch break!
23:26 Ergonomics can only go so far in preventing Repetitive Strain Injury
25:30 There’s no magic bullet to make Repetitive Strain Injury go away
26:14 Some of the best treatments will come from you yourself. No one can do your exercises for you. No one else can maintain good posture for you or take breaks for you
27:04 Working at home with poor ergonomics can lead to Repetitive Strain Injury
30:04 Putting your computer on top of your desk or dining room table is a very bad idea and can lead to Repetitive Strain Injury
32:40 Isolation can be a problem with Repetitive Strain Injury
33:01 Repetitive strain injury can impact dating and your social life
34:04 Work with your doctor so he or she writes notes that will help you keep working
35:45 Repetitive Strain Injury can affect your friendships
37:40 Take Repetitive Strain Injury seriously because it could happen to you.
38:39 The next livestream on Repetitive Strain Injury will be about unnecessary carpal tunnel surgeries or a poor outcome when you have one. Learn what you need to know.

#RSI #DeborahQuilter #repetitivestraininjury #computerergonomics #computerinjury