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Speech Technology Industry Solutions

The Right Tool for the Right Job for You

Speech technology solutions are not cookie-cutter, and they do not fall into a one-size-fits-all category. Even within a specific industry such as the medical or legal fields, not every general practitioner or lawyer from a large firm works the same way or has the same needs.

Speakeasy Solutions has over two decades of experience providing customized solutions for individuals and organizations, designed to meet the workflow and requirements of the person and the group.

An appropriate amount of time is spent on presales discussions ensuring the provision of needed technologies. Once a plan is in place and prerequisites are met, implementing your speech technology solution proceeds smoothly.

All that said, there are some generalities within each industry that is applicable to most individuals within that vocation.

Who are you?

Consider your vocation, current method of practice, existing technologies & support in place, and the years you have been in your field.

Speakeasy Solutions discusses the above and more with you, forming a solid foundation in the creation of an effective customized solution.

What do you want?

Are you hoping to save time, money, or both? Would you like to streamline your workflow and accomplish more in a day?

Feeling productive and satisfied is of utmost importance in the adoption and continued use of your speech technology solution.

Where to Go from Here

  1. Review the information found on the appropriate industry solution page (medical, legal, professional, or assistive).
  2. Explore the various speech recognition and/or digital dictation products provided.
  3. Familiarize yourself with the array of services Speakeasy Solutions offers, assisting in the implementation of your considered solution.
  4. Above all else, contact us. We are delighted to discuss your needs and examine various options with you.