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Dragon Medical & Professional Services

Your Speech Recognition Service Needs Satisfied

Services provided by Speakeasy Solutions to users of Dragon® Professional IndividualDragon® Professional Group, and Dragon® Medical One varies from client to client.  Speech recognition solutions are not cookie-cutter, and it is therefore our preference to discuss the intended solution in as much detail ahead of time, ensuring a smooth transition with speech recognition technology.

Speakeasy Solutions draws from numerous years of experience in the technology industry, as well as professional, medical and legal, to assist you in determining your needs. We are knowledgeable with a variety of EMRs across Canada, ensuring your success.

While we encourage a complete speech recognition solution package, Speakeasy Solutions also understands there may be factors such as budgets and/or existing knowledge held by a user that minimizes the need for a complete solution; for those clients we offer an à la carte solution — you pick and choose your desired level of service.

Regardless of your requirements, Speakeasy Solutions provides the level of service you desire.

Accomplish Tasks Faster on the Computer by Voice

Not only turn your voice into text accurately at speeds of over 130 words per minute, but also perform computer tasks in a fraction of the time it would normally take using a mouse and keyboard.

Hands-Free Computer Use

Dragon offers complete hands-free use of the PC for disabled users.

Speakeasy Solutions works with Insurance companies and employers, assisting the accommodation of their valued employees.

Who Are You? (and how we can help)


If you do not yet have a speech recognition solution in place, Speakeasy Solutions determines which products and services you will derive the most benefit from.  A telephone dialogue is strongly encouraged; please contact us at your convenience, or arrange a 15 minute pre-sales consultation.

Existing User

If you are an existing user of speech recognition technology, Speakeasy Solutions is pleased to assist with technical support issues you are experiencing, and/or offer one or more training sessions (i.e. Q&A, Application Specific, Creating Voice Commands etc.).  Speakeasy Solutions will also discuss microphones and digital recorders that you are currently using or wishing to use with your solution.

Speakeasy Solutions Client

If you are already a client, some services are included with a complete speech recognition solution package.  Additional services such as on-site technical support, or various training sessions (i.e. Efficiency & Integration, Digital Voice Recorder, Upgrade etc.) are easily accommodated.

If you purchased an à la carte solution, you may desire additional services such as  technical support, or further training sessions (i.e. Efficiency & Integration, Command Creation, Q&A etc.).

If you purchased product only from Speakeasy Solutions, you may be interested in various technical support assistance (i.e. you may have a corrupt user profile, a poorly functioning Dragon etc.), or one or more training sessions (i.e. Q&A, Efficiency & Integration, Digital Voice Recorder etc.).