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Dragon Medical & Professional Training Sessions

Providing Dragon Training for Your Needs

Dragon training Speakeasy SolutionsWhether you wish:

  • Detailed instruction with respect to using Dragon entirely hands-free,
  • Complete training to form a solid foundation,
  • A single Q&A (question & answer) or an Efficiency & Integration session, or
  • Various other scenarios that have left you wondering “how do I…” with the world’s most powerful speech recognition software,

Speakeasy Solutions is at your service.

Regardless of the training delivered, Speakeasy Solutions always customizes both the content and the delivery to meet your needs. Descriptions below are a guideline of topics covered.

Schedule a Training Session

Maximize your use of Dragon® Medical One or Dragon® Professional.

Arrange a customized Dragon training session with Speakeasy Solutions today.

Essential Training Sessions

The following sessions provide fundamental information related to using Dragon.


The Implementation Package is two hours in length, including backend configuration, installing DMO on one computer per user, instruction on performing the implementation on additional computers yourself (if desired), and an overview of dictating with your EMR or other application.

Training Time

Whatever time is remaining after installation & configuration.


Book your remote Implementation appointment at your convenience.

  1. Category: “Dragon | Installation”.
  2. Service: “Dragon Medical One Implementation | (1 computer) REMOTE ”.
  3. Time: Choose your time zone, followed by a date and available time.
  4. Provide Information: Enter your name, email, phone, plus other relevant information.
  5. Click [Done].


If you are on a budget, or desire to learn only the basics, Speakeasy Solutions offers a single training session covering just what is needed to dictate with Dragon.  Time permitting, topics such as increasing accuracy and contending with commonly encountered dictation challenges are addressed.

The Introductory Training session, like all sessions, is customized according to each user’s comfort level and needs.  While we cannot provide all relevant information in a single training session, we do focus on the most important aspects of using Dragon for each user.  Topics covered often include:

  • Microphone handling
  • How to dictate for maximum accuracy
  • Creating a user profile
  • Dictation vs commands
  • Text and document navigation
  • Editing text (inserting, replacing, deleting etc.)
  • Best capitalization practices for your purposes
  • Correcting text (when Dragon makes an error)
  • Some aspects of refining the vocabulary
  • Creating basic text commands

Training Time

1 two-hour session.


Book your remote Training appointment at your convenience.

  1. Category: “Dragon | Training”.
  2. Service: “Dragon Training | Single Session (1 two-hour Session) REMOTE”.
  3. Time: Choose your time zone, followed by a date and available time.
  4. Provide Information: Enter your name, email, phone, plus other relevant information.
  5. Click [Done].


Complete Training in the use of speech recognition teaches effective use of speech recognition software for your specific purpose (i.e. EMR, email, drafting etc.).

We skip content and sections that are irrelevant to you, focusing on your needs with the goal of seeing you operational with Dragon ASAP.

You will be able to use Dragon after the first training session, and are, in fact, encouraged to use Dragon as much as possible; however, there will be a slight lack of efficiency and accuracy until all three sessions have been completed.

After three sessions, you should find yourself reasonably independent and knowledgeable.

One month after the final training session you should feel well on your way with using Dragon efficiently.

Throughout All Sessions

  • Integration techniques with your most used applications (i.e. EMRs, legal applications, MS Office etc.)
  • Addressing your most immediate goals and answering specific questions (particularly those accumulated after the first and second training sessions)

Session One (a foundation of knowledge)

  • Microphone handling
  • How to dictate for maximum accuracy
  • Creating a user profile
  • Optimizing Dragon’s options
  • Dictation vs commands
  • Text and document navigation
  • Editing text (inserting, replacing, deleting etc.)
  • Best capitalization practices for your purposes
  • Correcting text (when Dragon makes an error)

Session Two (all those little details and enhanced accuracy)

  • Dictating numbers and special characters
  • Dictating uncommon text (file numbers, names etc.)
  • Contending with common dictation errors
  • Dictating atypical text and phrases
  • Formatting text
  • Efficiency gains by using appropriate built-in command for increasing productivity (general and application specific; based on your use and needs)
  • Refining the vocabulary (the most important topic of the second session)

Session Three (it’s all about productivity and saving time)

  • Steps to resolving constant misrecognitions and addressing related Dragon challenges
  • Accuracy increasing techniques continued (another vital aspect of using Dragon)
  • Handling non-compliant windows and applications (i.e. EMRs, other applications)
  • Creating custom voice commands and/or having custom commands created on the spot for you (a very powerful aspect of Dragon use)
  • Speech recognition user profile maintenance techniques, ensuring that Dragon continues to work well for you
  • Achieving a high degree of efficiency with time-saving techniques based on your tasks and computer use

Training Time

3 two-hour sessions. If in a group, this is often best followed with a single one-on-one session to customize the instruction and tailor the learning to each user.


Book your remote Training appointments at your convenience.

  1. Category: “Dragon | Training”.
  2. Service: “Dragon Training | Complete (3 two-hour Sessions) REMOTE”.
  3. Time: Choose your time zone, followed by a date and available time.
  4. Provide Information: Enter your name, email, phone, plus other relevant information.
  5. Click [Done].


Complete Hands-Free Training is predicated on the goal of hands-free computer use in the case of physical limitation, return to work, accommodation in the workplace, injury prevention, and so forth. Beyond teaching effective use of speech recognition software for your specific purpose (i.e. EMR, email, drafting etc.), additional time is spent ensuring a severe reduction in keystrokes and mousing while maintaining productivity.

You will be able to use Dragon after the first training session, and are, in fact, encouraged to use Dragon as much as possible; however, there will be a lack of efficiency and accuracy until all sessions have been completed.

Sufficient time for practice is vital, and a reduction in workload may be required.

Throughout All Sessions

  • Integration techniques with your most used applications
  • On the spot custom command creation for the purpose of providing as close to a hands-free experience as possible
  • Addressing your most immediate goals and answering specific questions (particularly those accumulated after each training session)

Session One (a foundation of knowledge)

  • Microphone handling
  • How to dictate for maximum accuracy
  • Creating a user profile
  • Optimizing Dragon’s options
  • Dictation vs commands
  • Text and document navigation
  • Editing text (inserting, replacing, deleting etc.)
  • Best capitalization practices for your purposes
  • Correcting text (when Dragon makes an error)

Session Two – Three (all those little details and enhanced accuracy)

  • Dictating numbers and special characters
  • Dictating uncommon text (file numbers, names etc.)
  • Contending with common dictation errors
  • Dictating atypical text and phrases
  • Formatting text
  • Efficiency gains by using appropriate built-in command for increasing productivity (general and application specific; based on your use and needs)
  • Refining the vocabulary (the most important topic of the second session)

Session Three – Four (it’s all about productivity and saving time)

  • Steps to resolving constant misrecognitions and addressing related Dragon challenges
  • Accuracy increasing techniques continued (another vital aspect of using Dragon)
  • Handling non-compliant windows and applications (i.e. EMRs, other applications)
  • Creating custom voice commands and/or having custom commands created on the spot for you (a very powerful aspect of Dragon use)
  • Speech recognition user profile maintenance techniques, ensuring that Dragon continues to work well for you
  • Achieving a high degree of efficiency with time-saving techniques based on your tasks and computer use

Session Four – Five (workflow and customization)

  • Reviewing and creating additional custom commands as needed.
  • Reviewing and establishing efficient workflow involving email, document creation, web surfing, and so forth.

Training Time

3 to 5 two-hour sessions.


Book your remote Training appointments at your convenience. Additional sessions to be booked later.

  1. Category: “Dragon | Training”.
  2. Service: “Dragon Training | Complete (3 two-hour Sessions) REMOTE”.
  3. Time: Choose your time zone, followed by a date and available time.
  4. Provide Information: Enter your name, email, phone, plus other relevant information.
  5. Click [Done].


Training in the use of a digital voice recorder with speech recognition teaches you how to use the digital voice recorder, effective use of speech recognition with a digital voice recorder, and customized methodology and use for specific purposes. Topics covered are:

  • Creating the digital voice recorder profile source
  • How to achieve the highest recognition accuracy with the digital voice recorder
  • Dragon transcription of dictation either via Dragon, Philips software, or Olympus software
  • Transferring transcription to a correctionist for proofreading (correction and/or editing)
  • Proofreading transcribed dictation either via Dragon, Philips software, or Olympus software
  • Fine tuning the digital voice recorder aspect of your profile
  • Developing processes and workflow for expedient document creation

Training Time

2-3 two-hour sessions, the length depending on whether or not a correctionist/proof-reader is involved, and the extent of the solution required (i.e. whether using Dragon, Olympus, or Philips applications).

This is a very customized solution, based on a variety of factors, requiring a detailed phone consultation.

Advanced Training Sessions

The following sessions provide more advanced information related to using Dragon. Prior training from Speakeasy Solutions is useful, but not necessary.


If desired, this two-hour appointment is often best held after your first couple of weeks using DMO, providing you sufficient time to accumulate questions and establish a wish list.

A customized single two-hour session covers (but is not limited to) any of the following topics:

  • Refining your workflow in your EMR
  • Speed editing & correcting
  • Leveraging vocabulary for accuracy
  • Custom command creation (text templates & EMR control) for productivity

Training Time

Typically, 1 two-hour session.


Book your remote Training appointment at your convenience.

  1. Category: “Dragon | Training”.
  2. Service: “Dragon Medical One Training | Single Session (1 two-hour session) REMOTE”.
  3. Time: Choose your time zone, followed by a date and available time.
  4. Provide Information: Enter your name, email, phone, plus other relevant information.
  5. Click [Done].


Regardless of your experience level, Speakeasy Solutions answers your specific questions, imparting knowledge according to your needs.  You set the agenda and we provide the information.

For those who are already experienced users of Dragon (but have received no training from Speakeasy Solutions), Q&A Training may be an option for exploring the unknown details of using Dragon for your purposes.  Consider the following as potential topics for discussion:

  • Optimizing Dragon’s settings (the default options seldom provide the best results)
  • How to dictate for highest accuracy possible
  • Speed editing techniques
  • Correcting for optimal accuracy
  • Contending with Dragon’s constant misrecognitions
  • Assorted accuracy enhancement techniques
  • Creating boilerplate or repetitive text commands
  • Increasing efficiencies through creating computer control commands
  • Integrating Dragon with your EMR, legal applications or other frequently used software

Training Time

Depending on your needs, this will vary from a 15 minute session to 1 two-hour session, or more if desired later on.  Group sessions are encouraged for those with the same agenda.


Book your remote Training appointment at your convenience.

  1. Category: “Dragon | Training”.
  2. Service: “Dragon Training | Single Session (choose between 15, 30, 60 minutes, or 2 hours) REMOTE”.
  3. Time: Choose your time zone, followed by a date and available time.
  4. Provide Information: Enter your name, email, phone, plus other relevant information.
  5. Click [Done].


Training in the creation of voice commands (also known as macros) teaches you how to create voice commands to streamline processes, which types of commands to use in specific circumstances, and how to speech-enable third party programs. Some covered topics include:

  • Maximizing your productivity with Microsoft Office
  • Speeding up your general computer use
  • Creating boilerplate or repetitive text
  • Creating commands from sequences of keyboard shortcuts
  • Speech-enabling the impossible with mouse macros
  • Creating commands containing variables and lists
  • Creating advanced commands with Visual Basic

Training Time

1 to 2 two-hour sessions, depending on the level of command creation that needs to be taught, as well as available samples and scenarios. This is also taught in groups provided the objectives and goals are the same.


Book your remote Training appointment at your convenience.

  1. Category: “Dragon | Training”.
  2. Service: “Dragon Training | Single Session (1 two-hour Session) REMOTE”.
  3. Time: Choose your time zone, followed by a date and available time.
  4. Provide Information: Enter your name, email, phone, plus other relevant information.
  5. Click [Done].


Upgrade Training assists you when you upgrade from a previous version of your speech recognition software. A new version user profile is created and your custom word list and commands imported into your new user profile.

You are taught the upgrade’s new features and given an opportunity to review and enhance your existing techniques and workflow, maximizing your productivity. On the spot command creation tailored to your needs will also improve your experience.

Training Time

1 two-hour session.


Book your remote Training appointment at your convenience.

  1. Category: “Dragon | Training”.
  2. Service: “Dragon Training | Single Session (1 two-hour Session) REMOTE”.
  3. Time: Choose your time zone, followed by a date and available time.
  4. Provide Information: Enter your name, email, phone, plus other relevant information.
  5. Click [Done].

Productivity Training Sessions

The following sessions focus on becoming a superuser of Dragon, achieving as close to 100% accuracy as possible, and vastly improving office workflow and efficiencies. Prior training from Speakeasy Solutions is useful, but not necessary.


Efficiency & Integration Training is often quite useful several weeks to a month after any of the above types of training have taken place as you will likely have developed some questions.

However, if you have some experience in using Dragon already, and may not have previously received training from Speakeasy Solutions, Efficiency & Integration training will assist you in achieving the most from Dragon and other office technologies (i.e. EMR systems, legal applications.)

Your use of speech recognition in your day-to-day routine will be studied (also known as “shadowing”), and suggestions made for improved use of the speech recognition technology. Any challenges you may be experiencing are addressed. Quick convenience commands to be used by you as a template for future commands might also be created during these training sessions.

This training is particularly useful for physicians who use EMR or Microsoft Word documents for creating their consultations.

Training Time

1 two-hour session, and best conducted one-on-one.


Book your remote Training appointment at your convenience.

  1. Category: “Dragon | Training”.
  2. Service: “Dragon Training | Single Session (1 two-hour Session) REMOTE”.
  3. Time: Choose your time zone, followed by a date and available time.
  4. Provide Information: Enter your name, email, phone, plus other relevant information.
  5. Click [Done].


This training is often incorporated in either Complete or Q&A Training. Some users benefit from more detailed and customized instruction with respect to using Dragon in the programs that they use every day such as Microsoft Word, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Outlook etc. Possible topics are as follows:

  • Using and integrating with an EMR (electronic medical record) system
  • Working with Microsoft Outlook’s idiosyncrasies
  • Customizing Microsoft Outlook usage for improved performance
  • Customizing your voice interface with Microsoft Word
  • Workarounds for some limitations when using Microsoft Word
  • Creating commands to quickly create new documents based on existing templates
  • Effectively navigating the World Wide Web and other HTML interfaces
  • Increasing efficiency by using voice commands with Internet Explorer, and Mozilla Firefox for commonly accessed web sites
  • On the spot customization of programs not supported by Dragon

Training Time

1 to 2 two-hour sessions, depending on what needs to be learned and whether or not this was possibly covered in previous Speakeasy Solutions training.  Group sessions are encouraged for those who use the same applications.


Book your remote Training appointment at your convenience.

  1. Category: “Dragon | Training”.
  2. Service: “Dragon Training | Single Session (1 two-hour Session) REMOTE”.
  3. Time: Choose your time zone, followed by a date and available time.
  4. Provide Information: Enter your name, email, phone, plus other relevant information.
  5. Click [Done].


Technical Training is delivered to in-house IT/IS staff who are supporting a large number of users in speech recognition technology.  Training involves content similar to the above types of training sessions, although from an IT support perspective.  Technical Training is highly encouraged for multi-user deployments. Topics covered include:

  • Choosing the best microphone or input device for a user
  • Determining the best workflow for each user; whether an assistant is pertinent or not
  • Installation options and potential challenges with existing technologies
  • Best practices for standalone and roaming user profiles
  • Creating, organizing, deploying and maintaining custom vocabularies, commands and word lists
  • Increasing user accuracy without the presence of the user
  • Most common user challenges and support issues
  • Encouraging users
  • Backup options and user profile maintenance
  • Detecting and mitigating user profile corruption and how to contend with it when it happens
  • Troubleshooting poor user experiences, accuracy, hardware and software issues

Training Time

Any number of sessions, based on various factors.

Learn More about Speakeasy Solutions’ Training Offerings

learn more Dragon trainingDelivering personal training and guidance in the effective use of Dragon is at the very core of our business. As such, we have an array of training programs, supplemental documentation, and other offerings designed to ensure your continued use of Dragon.