Business Speech Technology Solutions
Work Efficiently & Hands-Free
What is the saying? We want it all and we want it yesterday. While we do not have the technology to bend time to our will, we can use speech technologies to perform more tasks in a day than previously without.
Voice PC Actions
Quickly perform computer tasks entirely by voice, increasing efficiencies over the use of mouse and keyboard.
Work Anywhere
Dictate on the go with a digital voice recorder, utilizing unscheduled time between appointments or tasks.
Be Productive
Rapidly create email and documents with the flexibility of working in front of or away from your computer.
Dragon Speech Recognition
Dragon Professional is the ideal solution for busy corporate professionals who want to work faster and smarter, as well as those with upper limb limitations who are returning to work or for the purposes of general computer use. Speech recognition enables you to interact with your PC by voice – creating text three times faster than typing — with up to 99% accuracy (100% for the most dedicated of you) — and control your PC entirely by voice. Increase productivity and accessibility.
Dragon Professional With & Without Digital Voice Dictation
Organized below is a flowchart outlining the use of Dragon Professional speech recognition in the office, or outside of the office with a digital voice recorder.
Some individuals wish to control some or all aspects of email and document generation. Others are far too busy to spend any time proofreading (editing their misspoken words or correcting Dragon’s transcription errors).
Regardless of the level of involvement, Dragon Professional speech recognition saves a professional time, offers more control, and assists in completing various tasks more quickly.
Additional Speech Recognition Resources
Click the headings below to view more information.
Literature Downloads...
Literature Downloads 
Although some of these articles were written some years ago, many of the points are still valid today.
- Dragon NaturallySpeaking – From RSI to ROI (increasing productivity and reducing repetitive stress injuries in the workplace)
- Dragon NaturallySpeaking in the Real World (“How long until I will be proficient with Dragon NaturallySpeaking?”)
- Returning an Employee to Work with Speech Recognition
- Increase Claims Handling Speed and Efficiency with Speech Recognition
- Leading Insurance Firm Saves $1.2 Million Dollars with Dragon NaturallySpeaking Voice Recognition
Speakeasy Solutions Blog Posts...
Speakeasy Solutions Blog Posts 
The following blog posts outline information pertaining to Dragon Speech Recognition for the Professional industry.
Digital Voice Dictation
Digital voice recorders enable you to dictate letters, notes and memos any time. When you have access to a computer, connect the digital recorder and your dictated digital files are transferred (via email, FTP, or LAN) to either a transcriptionist or Dragon. Digital dictation allows you to organize your workload more efficiently and work more productively than with analogue systems.
Additional Digital Voice Dictation Resources
Click the heading below to view more information.
Literature Downloads...
Literature Downloads 
Although some of these articles were written some years ago, many of the points are still valid today.
- Philips Professional Dictation Solutions
- Philips – Advantages of Digital Dictation
- Philips digital dictation facilitates access to reports and interviews, speeds transcription
- Olympus Professional Dictation Systems Overview
- Olympus Professional Dictation Systems Products Line-up
- Depend on Philips for a Total Digital Solution
Combining Dragon Speech Recognition & Digital Voice Dictation
When these two productivity enhancing technologies are combined, the solution offers the utmost flexibility for professionals. While in the office, email and documents are created directly and in real time on the author/speaker’s computer. While out of the office, a digital voice recorder captures letters, memos, and even lengthy documentation.
The resulting recording is sent via email, FTP, or LAN (when back in the office) to a specific recipient who then transcribes the dictation in conjunction with speech recognition. Such digital dictations are automatically transcribed by Dragon as well, if desired. A well-planned workflow solution allows for seamless integration of these two technologies, providing the users a true competitive advantage.