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Dragon Professional Individual & Group 16 is HERE!

Below are a variety of anticipated questions and corresponding answers regarding Dragon Professional 16, from pre-sales questions, compatibilities, to support from Speakeasy Solutions. If you do not find an answer, contact us.


What is the price* of version 16?

The full version of Dragon Professional Individual (DPI) 16 is $874.95.

The upgrade version from DPI 15 to DPI 16 is $436.95.

The academic version of DPI 16 is $748.95. Contact us to arrange.

Unless this changes between now and the release date, DPI 16 French is $874.95 as well.

That said, if you have several users within an organization already using Dragon, contact us to discuss a volume licensing solution for some additional savings.

*All pricing in Canadian currency

Why is version 16 so much more expensive than version 15?

According to Nuance: “Nuance seeks to balance the needs of our valued professional user clients, the development costs to bring innovative solutions to market and new developments in our industry. For clients currently using Dragon v15, we offer upgrade pricing that is ½ the price of the stand-alone perpetual license.”

Speakeasy Solutions has been providing Dragon speech recognition in Canada for 23 years, and during this time have seen the price wildly fluctuate within the Dragon professional series. This has often been based on the needs of the ever shifting focus/market. Simply put – it is what it is. Let’s say I won’t be hauling out my crystal ball for version 17 to try and guess what pricing will be then.

Why is there no special pricing with the release of version 16; there always has been before?

As version 15 has been in the market for over six years, Nuance decided that a special pricing was not necessary. 

Given that once upon a time upgrades occurred every 1-2 years, Speakeasy Solutions understands and supports this decision.

How do I buy Dragon Professional 16?

  • Phone us at 604-264-9109 or 1-888-964-9109 ext. 102 (Canada Only)
  • Email us via our contact page.
  • Directly online as follows:

Other Dragon Products

When will Dragon Professional/Group 16 be available in the French language?

Sometime in April, 2023. Let us know if you wish to be notified (contact us).

Will there be a Dragon Home 16?

No, this basic product is now discontinued. Nuance feels that the casual user will utilize Dragon Professional Anywhere, subscription-based service, hosted in the USA.

What is the difference between Dragon Professional Individual/Group and Dragon Professional Anywhere?

Dragon Professional Individual/Group is locally installed on a Windows computer where the processing is performed and the user profile is maintained and updated.

Dragon Professional Anywhere processes your voice on a cloud server in the United States and the user profile is maintained and updated on this cloud server. While claiming to be secure, this data is can legally be accessed any time by USA authorities. Speakeasy Solutions does not recommend Dragon Professional Anywhere for clients who need to preserve confidentiality.

Dragon Professional Anywhere is also more limited in functionality, and not useful to those with upper limb limitations. Read further with this detailed comparison.

However, if you are interested in Dragon Professional Anywhere, contact us.

Operating System and Application Support

What Operating Systems support Dragon 16?

Windows OS 10 & 11.

Dragon will not install on a Mac OS, android or i-device (iPhone, iPod and so on).

That said, if you run Paralells on a Mac OS, Dragon will function.

Hardware requirements can also be found on our website here.

What Major Software Is Dragon 16 Compatible with?

MS Office Desktop Installation: 365, 2021, 2016

MS Office 365 Online: Basic text control only. There is NO support for Office voice commands, and NO support for Dragon’s full text control (the ability to edit & correct text by voice).

Web Browsers: Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome

More information can be found on our website here.

New in Dragon 16 and the Fate of Dragon 15

What is new in Dragon version 16?

Don’t be too shocked when you discover that Dragon 16 appears very similar to version 15. While there are some wonderful new commands, most of the upgrades involve the actual program – bug fixes, compatibility with the latest technology, and so on.

Dragon v16 is first designed for Windows 11 and supports Office 2021 and desktop installed 365.

It includes numerous updates and enhancements surrounding support for Microsoft Office like “Modern Comments” when editing documents, support for commands in Microsoft Teams, accessibility updates, enhanced support of Dragon for common hardware configurations, and PowerMic 4 compatibility.

You can read more on our website here.

Will Dragon version 15 continue to be supported and function?

Dragon 15 is no longer available for purchase.

Nuance is technically supporting Dragon 15 until October 2025 (when Microsoft suspends support for Windows 10) although it is highly unlikely Nuance will release any patches or updates to version 15 in the future.

Given the deterioration experienced by so many users of version 15 as a result of the age of Dragon 15* (released in 2016, over six years ago) and the continuous updates of Windows 10, Speakeasy Solutions encourages users to upgrade to version 16. Again, it may continue to be used, but Dragon 15’s performance will continue to degrade, impacting productivity.

At the end of the day, only a user can decide when they are ready to upgrade.

* On a personal note, I (Alexandria) I rely on Dragon completely due to disability and I can say I am delighted with the performance of 16 in my, thus far, one week of use. 16 is playing well with Office! huzzah.

Is there a Test Drive or demo version of Dragon 16?

No, there is not. That said, feel free to contact us with questions or to set up a single-user pilot of Dragon 16.

Will pre-version 16 Dragon profiles be upgraded with the installation of version 16?

Technically, yes. That said, Speakeasy Solutions does not recommend this procedure. We recommend exporting the important aspects (word lists and custom commands) of your Dragon user profile, uninstalling version 15, and then installing 16 fresh. Create a new user profile and import your exported essentials.

When you purchase Dragon 16 from Speakeasy Solutions, we provide written installation and upgrade guidance in the form of the PDF.

Speakeasy Solutions

Will Speakeasy Solutions provide installation services?

While version 16 is a pretty straightforward installation, we are happy to be contracted to assist if you wish. We do a little more than just the installation; we follow best practices for installation of Dragon and transitioning to a version 16 user profile.

Does Speakeasy Solutions provide guidance/training/support?

Yes, we do. We have been providing training services across Canada for 23 years. Training appointments are arranged anywhere from 15-120 minutes.

If you are experienced with Dragon, a one hour appointment immediately after version 16 is installed may include any of the following: creation and optimization of a new user profile, advanced techniques to increase accuracy and productivity, as well as answering any questions you have had for some time.

You can read more information on our website here.

Will Speakeasy Solutions create a Dragon 16 training workbook?

Yes. This will take us a little longer than in times past. It will be very similar to version 15, but with updated optimization, screenshots, commands, and tips.

How do I arrange appointments for Speakeasy Solutions?

At your convenience, please contact us by telephone (604-264-9109 or 1-888-964-9109) or:

Book your appointment on-line.
Webpage: Speakeasy Solutions Appointment Scheduling
Category: Choose “Dragon Professional or Legal”

This 30-minute appointment involves installing Dragon Professional on one computer.
Service: Choose “Installation”

15-, 30-, and 60-minute appointments available. This appointment involves anything from dictating within MS Office applications, answering a couple of questions, learning the ins and outs of time-saving auto texts (macros), and much more.
Service: Choose “Training (select your time preference)”

Time: Choose your time zone, followed by a date and available time
Provide Information: Enter your name, email, phone, plus other relevant information
Click: “Done”