How to Set Up Remote Services with Speakeasy Solutions
It’s As Easy As One-Two-Three
On-site appointments are available for those in the Vancouver and Lower Mainland area. For those outside of the Vancouver BC area within Canada or the United States of America, remote appointments serve just as well.
If your need is urgent and you are in Vancouver, Speakeasy Solutions is usually available sooner by remote appointment than on-site.

Arrange an appointment by telephone or our online scheduler.

Review any pre-appointment checklists sent to you by email.

If applicable, have all products on hand at the appointed time.
Before the Appointment
Arrange the appropriate appointment(s) either by telephone or by way of our online scheduler.
Once you have scheduled an appointment, you receive a confirmation email and further instructions, if necessary.
If you wish, in anticipation of the appointment, you may pre-download our TeamViewer remote desktop viewing application.
At the Appointment Time
At the appointed time, Speakeasy Solutions will ask you to run the TeamViewer application (click the application to run). Click Run.
Relay Your ID number and Password to Speakeasy Solutions to grant access to your computer.