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Speakeasy Solutions is delighted to announce its new website. It’s been a while coming, we know!

Many more products are to be added in the coming month; thank you for your patience.

As always, we strive to provide customers with information to assist in making knowledgeable choices. Speech technology is not a one size fits all solution – for individuals, as well as clinics, companies, and firms. What’s the best microphone for a doctor to use? Do lawyers in Canada really need Dragon Legal; will Dragon Professional suffice? And what’s all this about Dragon Medical One now in Canada?

While we prefer to speak with you one-on-one, we know that you may wish to perform a little research first. Our previous websites and our new site contains considerable real-world information for your investigation into Dragon speech recognition and/or digital voice dictation technologies. This time, however, we have reorganized & updated the data, trimmed some, and expanded other details. Are we missing something? Let us know!

We are eager to dust off our Blog and get back to writing helpful tips and articles. We preserved relevant Blog posts from our previous website in PDF form. These are summarized in the new Blog as well as throughout the new website as appropriate.

The expansive menu structure enables you to quickly find what you are looking for; whether you wish to learn about our product and/or service offerings, book an appointment, are ready to place an order, or even want to phone us!

Tweaks to the site are ongoing. If you have any suggestions, let us know.

Oh, and by the way, Speakeasy Solutions is now in its 20th year of business. Huzzah! A special thanks to all our clients for their ongoing support.

Speakeasy Solutions 20 years