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Philips SpeechLive Free Trial

Seamless Implementation

To aid in the expedient implementation of your Philips SpeechLive Free Trial, please address the following questions.

Your account is setup and usable within 1-2 business days.

If you prefer, simply phone us 1-888-964-9109 ext.102

REQUIRED fields are noted — please fill in. Thank you.

Is the SpeechLive trial for one author & one typist or multiple author/typist(s)? (required)

Would you like to add a 2nd typist at this time?

Would you like to add a 3rd typist at this time?

Would you like to add a 4th typist at this time?

Would you like to add a 2nd author at this time?

Would you like to add a 2nd author at this time?

Would you like to add a 3rd author at this time?

Would you like to add a 4th author at this time?

Would you like to add more than 4 authors at this time?

Would you like to add more than 4 typists at this time?

5 + 4 =

If the SEND button remains after clicking it and you do NOT receive a confirmation message,
there is a required field above that needs to be filled out. Thank you.