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Speakeasy Solutions announces a new version of Philips’ SpeechMike Air 4000 firmware. Version 4.63.

Philips has improved the automatic-reconnect behaviour between the SpeechMike and the AirBridge and solved the mouse cursor issue on the SpeechMike Premium Air.

Update via Philips Device Control Center (PDCC)

Automatic firmware updates within the SpeechControl (PDCC) software is now enabled; easily update the firmware within the SpeechControl software.

Upon opening the SpeechControl software, a notification on the bottom right indicates a “Firmware download is available”. Click this link.

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Click [Download now].

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Click [Upgrade now].

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Click “Yes, upgrade the device”.

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Take heed of the notice to NOT disconnect or undock the SpeechMike until the upgrade is complete; otherwise you will likely brick (irrevocably damage) the microphone.

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The current firmware is displayed in the Device tab under Firmware upgrade.

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Manual Firmware Update

While it is preferable to apply the firmware update via the Philips SpeechControl, the firmware is downloadable; after which the firmware is imported via the [Import] button within the SpeechControl software under Device> Firmware upgrade.

This file (smp40x0_fus_4.63.zip) is available in the following location until it has been replaced by a new version: https://www.speakeasysolutions.com/updates/philips/SpeechMike/Firmware/4000

If the file is no longer available in the above location, use the current version displayed.