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What’s going on?

New Website

As a result of revamping and streamlining our website in February 2020, some pages no longer exist in their previous state.

We appreciate your kind understanding and trust that you find answers below.

If not, send us a message (see further below).

Broken Links

Missing pages and broken links comprise of: client only digital downloads, our online shop, and blog articles.

Our products and services offerings are restructured; we invite you to explore the new pages.

Thank you for your patience.

Some Links to Get You Started

Below are a few links of interest, guiding you in the right direction.

Please also see the top of the page for our menu and some quick links at the very bottom of the page.



The main blog page is found here. Browse the recent posts or review the Categories.

A number of articles written prior to 2020 are retained in PDF form and are located within the following posts:



The main shop page is found here. Browse via the categories of products and services available.

Additional products are continually added. If you are looking for something that is not on our site, let us know (we probably have it on our physical shelves).

Alternatively, jump right into the above via the links below:


Client Downloads

Your existing download links, names, and passwords have changed.

Please contact us directly by telephone (1-888-964-9109) or send us a message with the following information:

  • Software name (Dragon Medical, Dragon Professional, ODMS Dictation and so on)
  • Version number

We will immediately send you our revised download information.

Once again, thank you for your understanding.

Send Us a Message

For client only digital downloads and anything else you cannot locate, please send us a message and let us know what you are looking for.

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