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Dragon Medical One Command List & Quick Guide

Speakeasy Solutions has updated their Dragon Medical One Command Lists & Quick Guide for their DMO users.

Contents of DMO Command Lists & Guide

The updated document contains both a Top Commands cheat sheet as well as a listing of All Voice Commands within DMO.

Additionally, the PDF provides a quick guide concerning:

  • how to speak,
  • adding words & phrases,
  • creating auto-texts, and
  • steps for resolving constant misrecognitions.

As always, Speakeasy Solutions enjoys assisting clients to achieve the highest accuracy and efficiency with Dragon.

How to Obtain the Guide

If you are a Speakeasy Solutions customer, please contact us directly.

Free Dragon Medical One Trial

If you haven’t yet subscribed to Dragon Medical One, why not trial the amazing new Dragon Medical software for a week or so.

At your convenience, please contact us by telephone (604-264-9109 or 1-888-964-9109) or book your service appointment(s) on-line. If needed, view the Step-by-Step instructions for scheduling an appointment.

Webpage: Speakeasy Solutions Appointment Scheduling

  • Category: Choose “Pre-Sales Consultation”.
  • Service: Choose “Dragon Medical One Trial | no charge (30 minutes) REMOTE”.
  • Time: Choose your time zone, followed by a date and available time.
  • Provide Information: Enter your name, email, phone, plus other relevant information.
  • Click “Done”.