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What happens after my Dragon Medical One test drive is over and I subscribe?

Speakeasy Solutions’ Dragon Medical One Question & Answer #2

Q: What happens after my Dragon Medical One test drive is over and I subscribe?

A: Once payment is received, continue using DMO as you were during the test drive. All aspects of your Dragon User Profile remain.

This includes your voice training, commands, and added words.

Speakeasy Solutions provides a FREE Test Drive of DMO — no commitment

1. Register online.

2. Schedule a Test Drive appointment.

  • Category — Dragon Medical
  • Service — Test Drive / Demo

3. Phone us at 1-888-964-9109 ext. 102

For over 22 years we have been proudly serving Canada’s medical community.

Complete FAQ: https://speakeasysolutions.com/dragon-medical-one-canada-faq/