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In light of COVID-19, Nuance has kindly provided Dragon Medical users with a series of applicable auto-texts and instructions for adding the word “COVID-19” to your vocabulary.

Dragon Medical One Users

Click here for the list of auto-text commands.

Speakeasy Solutions has added these auto-texts to each of our clients’ accounts; they are ready for you to use. Feel free to edit the commands to suit your particular purposes (Click the blue & white Dragon icon> Manage Auto-texts).

Moreover, Speakeasy Solutions has added “COVID-19” to each of your vocabularies. Simply say “covid nineteen”; no hyphen required.

Additional Assistance

If you require additional assistance, please feel free to arrange a 15 minute or half hour remote Q&A session.

Book your remote Training appointment at your convenience.

  1. Category: “Dragon | Training”.
  2. Service: “Dragon Training | Single Session (choose between 15, 30, 60 minutes, or 2 hours) REMOTE”.
  3. Time: Choose your time zone, followed by a date and available time.
  4. Provide Information: Enter your name, email, phone, plus other relevant information.
  5. Click [Done].

Speakeasy Solutions thanks healthcare workers for their tireless dedication in caring for all of us; especially now.

Everyone – be safe and stay healthy.