Speakeasy Solutions is excited to announce the release of a new Dragon Medical One (DMO) version (2021.1).
There are a variety of enhancements which will be discussed in future, but for now, these are the most accessible notations:
What’s New?
New minimum Microsoft .NET Runtime Version
Starting with version 2021.1, machines running Dragon Medical One require Microsoft .NET version 4.7.2 or higher. Please discuss with your IT support or read further for links to documentation on the subject:
- How to: Determine which .NET Framework versions are installed
- Install the .NET Framework on Windows 10
Android Bluetooth support for PowerMic Mobile
PowerMic Mobile 2021.1 introduces microphone support for Bluetooth headsets and earbuds on Android devices.
Android PowerMic Mobile app link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.Nuance.Mobility.DMic.Live&pcampaignid=MKT-Other-global-all-co-prtnr-py-PartBadge-Mar2515-1
Basic Text Control Allows Point-of-Cursor Dictation in All Applications
This is perhaps the most exciting new feature — particularly for those who use EMRs across Citrix and other remote environments.
By default, when users dictate in unrecognized text fields, DMO opens the Dictation Box. DMO 2021.1 offers users a more seamless experience by allowing them to bypass the Dictation Box and use Basic Text Control to dictate at the cursor. The “Use Basic Text Control” setting is located in Options under the “Text Input” tab, which replaced the “Dictation Box” tab.
Just click and talk directly into your EMR.
NOTE: With basic text control you cannot use voice commands for editing and correcting. If you wish to replace text, highlight with the mouse and dictate over top the highlighted word(s).
Installing the DMO Upgrade
If you are a Speakeasy Solutions customer, please contact us directly.
Free Dragon Medical One Trial
If you haven’t yet subscribed to Dragon Medical One, why not trial the amazing new Dragon Medical software for a week or so.
At your convenience, please contact us by telephone (604-264-9109 or 1-888-964-9109) or book your service appointment(s) on-line. If needed, view the Step-by-Step instructions for scheduling an appointment.
Webpage: Speakeasy Solutions Appointment Scheduling
- Category: Choose “Pre-Sales Consultation”.
- Service: Choose “Dragon Medical One Trial | no charge (30 minutes) REMOTE”.
- Time: Choose your time zone, followed by a date and available time.
- Provide Information: Enter your name, email, phone, plus other relevant information.
- Click “Done”.