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In some cases, users of Dragon may experience a loss of Full Text Control within Internet Explorer 10 or 11. This is of particular note for medical practitioners whose EMR is web-based.

Full Text Control is the ability to edit or correct text by voice, as well as proper capitalization and spacing exhibited by the transcribed text.

Why Does This Happen?

Internet Explorer 10 and 11, under a Windows 8 operating system, introduces a new security feature called “Enhanced Protected Mode”. Enhanced Protected Mode restricts the functionality of Internet Explorer plug-ins, including Dragon’s Rich Internet Application plug-in.

What is the Fix?

Disable Internet Explorer’s Enhanced Protected Mode.

Within Internet Explorer 10 or 11:

  • Click Tools> Internet Options> Advanced
  • Under the Security section, uncheck Enable Enhanced Protected Mode
  • Click OK
  • Close and reopen Internet Explorer

Also, ensure that Dragon’s Rich Internet Application plug-in is active:

  • In Internet Explorer click Tools> Manage Add-ons
  • Under Nuance Communications, Inc., ensure the items listed beneath are enabled. If not, click them and Enable.